Maximising Fuel Economy With The Use Of Headers

Maximising Fuel Economy With The Use Of Headers

Restless see-saw reasoning accompanies aftermarket modifications. One exhaust can extend performance and add throaty noise to the profile of the vehicle, but the change hamstrings fuel economy. A dizzying back and forth ensues as street performance or off-road aptitude is balanced against petrol mileage. Custom headers aid in this scenario by coming down firmly on the engine optimization side of the see-saw. The kit, as we all know, delivers instant aesthetic appeal, a chrome-plated, titanium coated killer look, but function has to match this aggressive profile or the owner only ends up with a better looking stock exhaust replacement. To really maximize fuel economy, performance headers are manufactured to a shape and size that improves engine “breathing.”

A Brief Anatomy of Internal Combustion Breathing

Miniature explosions drive engines, but spent fuel has to move away from the combustion area in order for the next burn cycle to occur. If this discharge routine didn’t happen, then the generated back pressure incurred by the process would cripple performance. A header kit is bolted on as an aftermarket modification kit. It channels this gas away and cancels back pressure, thus maximizing the respiration of the engine. The result of reduced pressure is a more efficient engine and improved mileage, a mechanical and chemical optimization process that reduces petrol consumption.

Not All Headers Are Created Equal

It’s important to remember that a number of approaches are taken with the customization market. Showing off is a big component, which means the custom part looks good and sounds so loud that it sets off local car alarms. Still, the game is also about performance. The purchase of a kit that curves sexily and accentuates the profile of the vehicle is all very well, but is it improving power output without burning more fuel? An efficient header kit balances these requirements, delivering performance, improved cylinder burning, and a smoother ride. Petrol efficiency is a natural upshot of the installation of the kit.

On Getting Technical

There’s a fight for dominance when the spent exhaust gases enter the engine manifold. The multi-tubed header assembly separates this fluid interaction struggle by placing the output exhaust in individual metal tubes, intelligently cut titanium lined channels, as one example, that cancel the back pressure phenomenon and create a more harmonic environment within the engine output stage. A uniform increase in power can then take place, one that doesn’t leverage additional costs in terms of petrol burned.

Main Source: This Post "Maximising Fuel Economy With The Use Of Headers" appeared first on "Muffler & Exhaust Tips"


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